Ready to Advance Your Lending Experience with FNI Blueprint™ and DecisionCore™? Schedule an Introductory Call, Today. Close


Our Mission & Values

The team at FNI works hard every day to help our customers thrive in a complex and changing financial world by pairing industry experience with high-quality solutions that increase their efficiency, enables innovation, and empowers them to make better, faster credit decisions. Our commitment to our customers is unwavering. We stand by the work we do and relationships we create. Our people display an attitude of integrity and trust. This relates to both the concept of building and maintaining secure software, and being proactive and earning our clients’ trust. Succeeding through perseverance is how our team ensures the highest possible quality of work, while continually improving FNI, and our clients, alike.

Not Until the Last Detail

Our lending technology team is genuinely driven by our lending partners' success and growth. That means putting every detail in its place, every step of the way.

Balanced Trust: In People and Data

Just as our lending partners vary reliance on technology and human intervention, we believe in a healthy balance between the right people in the right seats to create the solid technology behind our lending products.

Evolving Platform, Evolving Process.

With business growth at the backbone of what we do, everything we build is created with the idea of growth and evolution in mind.

Always taking the time to stop and Ask, “What If…?”

Learn about our idea-first approach to building lending technology and lending experiences.

When you look at the background of the team, it pairs perfectly with the technology and industries we serve. We are a lending-focused extension of your IT group with guidance, problem solving—not only reactive, but proactive.

Ray B.

Credit Implementation, FNI


What If Lending

Our Idea-First Approach to Loan Software

Continuing to enhance lending products for our customers means an open-minded approach. And we start by simply asking, “What If?” This ideas-first philosophy is grounded in our focus on the future and our drive to make lending more simple. Taking the time to consider a wide variety of lending volumes and scenarios has resulted in a lending toolkit that grows at the speed of your business.

Backed by decades of research and development, the Blueprint™ L.O.S. platform and DecisionCore™ credit strategy engine, are the answer to all of these “What if lending?” questions for start-ups, enterprise level, and lenders in between.